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Vyse Hazuky
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Post by Vyse Hazuky »

New video.
Feel free to post your impressions of course.

I don't know how to embed youtube videos over here :(

I wonder if this video won't be like the one they had for Colossus where they had many Icos on horseback chasing after a colossus... Which wasn't really in the game...

I do like the new "monster"... Its facial expressions impressed me.

Actually I must confess that when I first heard about Shadow of the Colossus (Wanda and the Colossus) I thought the colossus was actually our friend and we were going with them on the adventure, which seems to be what's happening here.

I'm sure we'll see more at E3 possibly and a lot can change of course.

Still nice to see something new.
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Post by Yukupo »

I'm certainly intrigued.
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Post by Ryudo »

I wonder if this video won't be like the one they had for Colossus where they had many Icos on horseback chasing after a colossus... Which wasn't really in the game...
That was originally what they wanted but the PS2 was not able to handle it so it was reduced to one character.

As for Trico saw this already at SD and very interested.
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Post by Sterling »

I thought this said "Tirico".
What you call love was invented by guys like me, to sell nylons. You're born alone and you die alone and this world just drops a bunch of rules on top of you to make you forget those facts. But I never forget. I'm living like there's no tomorrow, because there isn't one.
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Post by Tuffty »

Apparently the video was shown behind closed doors last year, so who knows what it looks like now.

I'm intrigued, though I really shouldn't have read fan theories on the story. Some sound incredibly plausible based on ICO and SOTC.
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Vyse Hazuky
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Post by Vyse Hazuky »

While it looks amazing and I imagine they haven't even shown a portion of game features, I can't help but feel like it will tread the familiar path already trekked by Ico and Colossus last gen...

There are no doubts to Ueda's abilities but I was really expecting something a little different rather than an insistence on the same themes and environments.

I am still hoping for some fresh and original concepts to come into play though and have complete faith that it'll turn out a stellar game that won't disappoint, I just wish I had a little more than just that belief in their ability and more tangible proof of something that hadn't been already expressed in Ico and Colossus.
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