New Kenshin Anime in development.

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New Kenshin Anime in development.

Post by Ash »

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Agent Of Fortune
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Re: New Kenshin Anime in development.

Post by Agent Of Fortune »

Wow, awesome. Whether it's just an OVA or a whole new series, this should be great.

Also, from following various links off of one of the links you posted, I found that Watsuki is doing a manga based on Frankenstein. I'll have to check that out. :-D

Embalming: The Another Tale of Frankenstein (Yep, that's how it's done. I love Engrish :lol:) ... hp?id=9656
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Re: New Kenshin Anime in development.

Post by Yukupo »

I hope it follows the spirit of the manga/original series rather than the "Samurai X" ones. And I hope it's like a 50 episode anime. Not too long but not too compressed. That would be perfect.
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Agent Of Fortune
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Re: New Kenshin Anime in development.

Post by Agent Of Fortune »

I agree that i hope it's in the same spirit of the original series and manga. I'm not really sure about the length, but I hope that they will go into the Enishi saga, as it was such a huge part of the manga, and completely left out by the series, only to be changed horribly by the second OVA.

The problem with the series the first time around was that it was created as the manga was going on, so they had to create all of that filler, and eventually got to the point where people stopped watching and the show was cancelled before it could be finished. Luckily, they wouldn't have that problem this time around.

(By the way, I actually liked some of the filler. The Christian saga was my favorite part of the series. So sad and beautiful. ;_; )
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