Hulu Plus released in Beta

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Agent Of Fortune
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Hulu Plus released in Beta

Post by Agent Of Fortune » ... ?gt1=43001

This seems pretty cool to me. Still probably won't make me give up cable, at least for a while(I like things like FX too much), but if it matures, it could prove a viable option. Its especially good that it's taking the Netflix route and being offered through future Blu Ray players, as well as consoles.
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Re: Hulu Plus released in Beta

Post by Yukupo »

I agree, they seem to be approaching this from the right direction.
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Re: Hulu Plus released in Beta

Post by Ryudo »

I think it's stupid and greedy to pay for something that was previously free.
It originally was on media boxes and such but they took it off that for that very reason they felt threatened it would endanger the TV market. Stupid thinking. So they were strict about a PC market only,you got a ad every 10 min or so which is just fine it kept it free. Now they move back to the TV but want money on a monthly basis while still keeping ads.
Retarded. So for the people dropping cable because they now have Hulu...the same old cycle will eventually repeat.
Drop tv support and go back to PC only and still pay. Betting on it.

The fucking suits at Hulu just keep flip flopping and just don't get it. Old media in a new coat.
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Re: Hulu Plus released in Beta

Post by Yukupo »

You're not paying for something that was previously free. Did you read the site?

The "Plus" gives you functionality and features that were never a part of the free site. And the free site remains unchanged. (However, I can't be certain what shows were previously available that aren't available now. That stuff changed all the time anyway.)
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Agent Of Fortune
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Re: Hulu Plus released in Beta

Post by Agent Of Fortune »

It says that the free site will be unchanged, but I think that there are now more commercials than there were before. My wife and I are going through and watching all the old naruto episodes(Yes, I know many here hate this show :-P), and it seems like there are quite a few more commercials than there were even just a few days ago, before this was released. Not sure if they are related, but it seems like it...
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