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Post by IwaoHazuki »

Has anyone here been using for their searches? I'm highly impressed with the speed, results, appearance, and mapping service. They offer a unique aerial perspective when looking at maps, which is also highly invasive. :D

The video search is amazing, with instant previews (even of naughty material) initiated by the simple hovering of your mouse. But, it's been easy to find anything and everything. And the reason I love it most, when the term "Shenmue" is entered, Shenmue - Yokosuka still makes it on the front page. :lol:

I know some people here might believe Microsoft to be evil, but this is truly a great product, one that competes firmly with Google's services. The scary thing about Google is their harvesting of sensitive information, yet everyone loves them for it.
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Post by Ryudo »

No better than Windows Live Search.
Just renamed with better marketing.
I do like it but I just can't help it and automatically use google and always forget about Bing.
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Post by Chaos »

I like it, but it's gonna be hard to make me stop using google. Hell, I even have my contacts on my iPhone synced with gmail. I doubt iTunes is gonna let me sync with anytime soon. ;D
I do love their video search though.
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Post by Jeff »

I tried it and Jeffrey does not approve. :tsktsk:

Banned for life from Shenmue Dojo for being too awesome for the server to handle
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Post by Ryudo »

I have been using it more last few days and indeed the video search is fantastic.
Image search is also very nice.
Google just looks dated and broken next to MS Bing from what I have seen so far.
Only MS has the pockets to market this to challenge google and tbh it has a shot at making a dent in the search engine market share away from google,not a huge percentage number anytime soon but just enough to make google notice where others have failed.
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Post by Riku »

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Post by Agent Of Fortune »

I have been using it lately, to try and take some power away from Google. I set it as my main page to try and break myself of the habit of going straight to google for everything. So far I like it. The speed seems comparable to google's, which is nice considering the pages are so much more content-rich. Also, I like how they have the little mini-encyclopedia thing that changes every day when you go to it. It's neat because you get to learn little facts about stuff you wouldn't care about looking up otherwise. Microsoft did a good job this time.
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Post by Juanfran »

What you call love was invented by guys like me, to sell nylons. You're born alone and you die alone and this world just drops a bunch of rules on top of you to make you forget those facts. But I never forget. I'm living like there's no tomorrow, because there isn't one.
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