The "Welcome Back, pikecon" Celebration Topic.

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The "Welcome Back, pikecon" Celebration Topic.

Post by pikecon »

Howdy guys! Long time no post! How have all of you been?

I can't believe it's been nearly 10 years since I first joined Shenmue Dojo, got wrangled into the crazyiness, endured troll admins, moved here (I think? this used to be Ryo's Place V2, right?) lost my Hotmail password and thus lost contact with the whole lotta ya.

Since the last time I posted, I had a long stint at a downer job, but recently left there to pursue a career in film. I've got my B.A. two years ago, and started a YouTube channel around comic convention goings.

Recently bored at the lack of... chat in my life in recent years. Chat programs are nearly dead. Facebook is a like-fest, but no messaging. I want to actually talk to people... in a text based environment.

Where my peeps at? Where's Yusuke, Taolishao, Brotherman, etc?
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Re: The "Welcome Back, pikecon" Celebration Topic.

Post by darkly »

Hey and welcome back!
A career in film? Sounds interesting!

My life recently: worked for a fairly long time at this job. Was a good job, but later lost my job due to a series of unfortunate events such as globalization and outsourcing. The company I worked at got bought by a Danish company, who got bought by a Norwegian company who then got bought by a Finnish company... but hey maybe one day some Swedish company will bring it back again. So I am currently studying.

Speaking of chat, I've had the exact same problem as you. Since MSN died it's been difficult to find a good replacement. Lots of people was too lazy to go find something else, so they mostly hang out on Facebook. I don't particularly like Facebook for the same reason you don't. It is what it is which is fine, but the kind of instant messaging from back then.... it does not work well with.
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Re: The "Welcome Back, pikecon" Celebration Topic.

Post by pikecon »

Sorry to hear about your job. I hope school is going well.

Film and video is a fun endeavor. Starting off, it's just hard to get paid decently for it... or paid at all. :lol:

Yeah, I loved my chat programs too. Reddit sort of took the place of forums and chat for me.
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Re: The "Welcome Back, pikecon" Celebration Topic.

Post by darkly »

^You know they sometimes use real actors for games these days.. ? ;) Have I seen you in anything yet? So.. a Shenmue fan enters the film and video business. Good good, go infiltrate and then maybe you can bring us a Shenmue movie one day :D :P
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Re: The "Welcome Back, pikecon" Celebration Topic.

Post by Yukupo »

Welcome back. :)
pikecon wrote:Since the last time I posted, I had a long stint at a downer job, but recently left there to pursue a career in film. I've got my B.A. two years ago, and started a YouTube channel around comic convention goings.
That's pretty awesome. I went into video games, kind of. (In between jobs right now.)

pikecon wrote:Recently bored at the lack of... chat in my life in recent years. Chat programs are nearly dead. Facebook is a like-fest, but no messaging. I want to actually talk to people... in a text based environment.
We do have a Discord server set up for chat. Discord is pretty cool, I think.

pikecon wrote:Where my peeps at? Where's Yusuke, Taolishao, Brotherman, etc?
Brotherman frequents here so he'll pop up at some point. I haven't seen Tao in a long time though she frequented here at one point.
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Re: The "Welcome Back, pikecon" Celebration Topic.

Post by Brotherman »

What's up, pikecon? 8-)

My story: I was working as a auto mechanic for a while until the 2008 crash cause my dealership to close. The following year, I decided to start going back to school. Eventually I transferred to Clemson University for a BS in Computer Information System. Next spring should be my last semester there. I'm hoping to get a job in cyber security. :ninja:
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Re: The "Welcome Back, pikecon" Celebration Topic.

Post by pikecon »

darkly wrote: ^You know they sometimes use real actors for games these days.. ? ;) Have I seen you in anything yet? So.. a Shenmue fan enters the film and video business. Good good, go infiltrate and then maybe you can bring us a Shenmue movie one day :D :P
I'm more in behind the scenes production stuff. Shooting, editing, color balancing, etc. I think someone already made a Shenmue fan film a while back, no? ;)
Yukupo wrote:Welcome back. :)

That's pretty awesome. I went into video games, kind of. (In between jobs right now.)

We do have a Discord server set up for chat. Discord is pretty cool, I think.

Brotherman frequents here so he'll pop up at some point. I haven't seen Tao in a long time though she frequented here at one point.
I'm also in between jobs atm. We'll get by.

I like the UI of Discord. I'll have to check it out.

I used to talk to Tao a lot on MSN. She'll be back. She'll be lured by my pungent aroma.
Brotherman wrote:What's up, pikecon? 8-)

My story: I was working as a auto mechanic for a while until the 2008 crash cause my dealership to close. The following year, I decided to start going back to school. Eventually I transferred to Clemson University for a BS in Computer Information System. Next spring should be my last semester there. I'm hoping to get a job in cyber security. :ninja:
Gah... I remember 2008. Those gas prices were terrible. Good to hear you're studying and moving up. :thumbsup:
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