The death of MSN -what to use instead?

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Re: The death of MSN -what to use instead?

Post by Yukupo »

You know, now that I've thought about it more there is QQ. It's a Chinese / International instant messenger that looks eerily similar to MSN back in the old days. I thought it seemed nice, though I didn't use it long since I had no contacts on it. Its also on Android, iOS and Web.)

Now that I remembered it, I have it opened up now so if anyone wants to add me on there, I'm Yukupo.

(About Pidgin, it's not a bad IM. A little plain and it never did support MSN in all its entirety but I was on there a lot toward the end of MSN days because I thought the MSN software got worse and worse with each version. Oh classic MSN days how I miss ye.)
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Re: The death of MSN -what to use instead?

Post by Sterling »

I had QQ but it decided that I didn't deserve to use it anymore and changed my password and ID. Or alternatively, I forgot both and ouldn't find any way to retrieve them. I think the thing about IM now is that most people prefer to use phone rather than sit at the PC esp. since most workplace block any computer app

I got a lot of different ones on my phone now, WhatsApp, WeChat (same company that makes QQ I think), Weibo, Twitter, FB Messenger, and Rob just told me about LINE so I got that too. Kik is popular around my area but it feels too chavvy for me so I avoided it for right now.

WhatsApp is the most lightweight and user friendly, you do eventually have to pay a small fee for it apparently which is intended to keep it ad-free (and jailbait-free). WeChat and LINE have more or less the same functionalities, voice, text msg, group and social media function except in WeChat you can search for random people in your area to bother.
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Re: The death of MSN -what to use instead?

Post by kevindouglas »

I use Skype, Google Hangouts and Yahoo chat. I like Skype though (somewhat) b/c it has better voice quality than MSN. But for business meetings, I only use`s web conferencing appliance as it is easy to use and provides better security.
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