SOPA -yep the world is going crazy

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SOPA -yep the world is going crazy

Post by darkly »

So yeah this is pretty crazy isn't? ... ight-bill/
Great, stupid people trying to break the internet. If only they'd try make the world a better place for once but noo, gotta go making it worse.
You must've all heard about it by now and I'm sure it must be getting alot of attention in the US, so pretty scary stuff isn't?
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Re: SOPA -yep the world is going crazy

Post by tao »

I've heard of it. It's absolutely ridiculous and a terrible attempt at making money out of thin air along with controlling the internets.

I'm amused to see Justin Bieber mentioned :lol:
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Re: SOPA -yep the world is going crazy

Post by darkly »

So the 15th came and went, anyone heard what's going on?
If worst case scenario would actually come to pass, you guys would be going from freedom to a china-like-internet-future. That's crazy and I know not enough people here think much about it at this point, they think it's your problem, you'll have to do something about it or suffer the consequenses. But obviously it's going to effect us aswell, not as much as you initially. But what happens in the US is gonna come back and bite the rest of us in the ass at some point.
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Re: SOPA -yep the world is going crazy

Post by tao »

I believe I heard it was held off. Though SOPA will just be icing on the cake that is the NDAA.

I'm really quite concerned about the NDAA. This will definitely change things for the worse and I see my future in this country as something directly out of Orwell's 1984. Everything rests on the whims of Emperor Obama. Seeing as the military has bases all over the world, this is definitely not just a domestic affair. This is truly something terrifying yet I don't see anything mentioned on the mainstream news, which only further proves how far the corruption has gone. I hope everyone enjoys what limited freedoms and privacy we have left, because it will be gone soon enough.

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Re: SOPA -yep the world is going crazy

Post by darkly »

That IS truly scary, thanx for sharing. Important things like this that aren't talked about is a sign in itself that it needs to be taken seriously. I don't belive there has been much talk about NDAA here if anything and very limited reporting on SOPA and PIPA although the few that I have seen are taking it very seriously.
It is frequently mentioned that the most important changes takes place in silence and away from the public eye.
I know alot of people will argue that it won't get all that bad and normally I'd agree but sometimes looking at the worst case scenario is called for. True, you won't really know until it's been implemented but when the changes are as big as these perhaps it's better to asume the worst and work to have it stopped now rather then later.
It's easy to take freedom for granted, on the internet and otherwise. My generation never had to fight for it so alot of people are pretty relaxed about it. They simply won't belive that it could be getting limited one day because that would be insane , right? We are suppose to move forward to a better world, anything else is simply crazy.
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Re: SOPA -yep the world is going crazy

Post by tao »

Yes that seems to be the general attitude about these changes. After 9/11, it was easy to dope people into giving up their privacy and freedoms for the sake of "security." How absurd is it that even now when it has been shown that the real terrorists are the ones at home and who run the governments, it's still much easier to believe that the enemy is the Islamic religion? And now, breaches of privacy has escalated to full on kidnapping and torture of citizens simply on the whims of government officials, without charge or due process. Now with people who are so desperate to keep their jobs and standard of living, it's even riskier to call out on such absurdity.

This seems a lot like how the Germans claimed that they didn't know anything about the actions of the Nazis, this media blackout and people's refusal to face truth. I certainly hope things won't turn to that extreme but honestly things look very bleak. Any whistleblowing activity is immediately shut down and normal regular people protesting are painted as useless hippies. I really don't know what to do. :?
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Re: SOPA -yep the world is going crazy

Post by Yukupo »

And yay Obama signed the NDAA... :?
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Re: SOPA -yep the world is going crazy

Post by tao »

^Just in time for the new year. I think we witnessed the official birth of Big Brother. I really do wonder what motive he and others have in passing all these laws used to surveillance citizens around the world. Call me paranoid but it all seems like some sort of reckless preparation for something to happen in the near future. And by reckless I mean desperate.

Watch out, guys. :theyreontome:
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Re: SOPA -yep the world is going crazy

Post by Ryudo »

I don't think SOPA will happen if it does then I leave this planet before I intended.
As for NDAA. meh fuck it be dead before the year is over anyway.
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