Shenmue III Delayed To Second Half Of 2018

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Shenmue III Delayed To Second Half Of 2018

Post by Brotherman »

kotaku wrote: Image

The long-awaited Shenmue III is going to make you wait a little longer. The game won’t make its December 2017 release date and has been moved to the second half of 2018.

“By utilizing new technologies, we have been able to discover new possibilities and expressions,” Shenmue creator Yu Suzuki said in an official announcement. “In many ways, the game has become bigger and more beautiful than I initially expected.”

Suzuki added, “We do, however, need more time to deliver the game to you.”

The game was first announced at E3 2015 and followed up with a record-breaking Kickstarter.

It was previously revealed that Sony is helping to make the overdue sequel.

Source: Kotaku
Good, I thought the late 2017 launch date did not have them enough time to good development. Plus, I can hold off longer on buying another gaming console or building a gaming PC. Hopefully they will still release HD versions of Shenmue I and II.
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Re: Shenmue III Delayed To Second Half Of 2018

Post by darkly »

^I agree. I'd rather they take the time they need, besides what's a few more months anyway? Sounds good though! Bigger and more beautiful -yay!!
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Re: Shenmue III Delayed To Second Half Of 2018

Post by Yukupo »

Yeah. I don't think anyone really could have expected a 2017 release anyway.
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